Friday 2 October 2009

What's A Good Time To Start?

What's a good time to start solid food? Is your little one ready?
She can sit up with support and are able to control her head & neck movement as mention in the books. While we eat, she watched and her mouth will mimic. So I think she is ready, and I have decided to go ahead with the weaning process early. Not this week, probably next week.

Here are some very clear sign that she has deliver to me recently, she demanded for more feeds than usual, almost every 2 and a half hours during the day. She wakes up at night and demand for additional feeds, so average of total 9 to 10 feeds per day. Mostly during the day I will probably exhausted!

Another sign of her is she watches me eat with great interest, she drools and put her fingers in to her mouth to suck. Sometimes while I carry her, she even tries to take my food by using her hand to grab, or move her body towards to the table.

Lastly, doubling of birth weight. At birth, weighted her at 3.105kg and now she is > 7.38kg.

I have to establish a regular meal schedules for her now and really can't wait till the day comes, to watch how she express when given rice cereal to her.


jhermie said...

hi audrey! oh it's really exciting, right? but i really waited for 6 months coz ethan is quite sensitive, i reckon, it's more safe that he will not have food allergies. i hope your bubba is not sensitive like ethan :)

Audrey Tan said...

Ya I agreed with you! I will only give her rice cereal, the rest of the puree will wait till she is exactly 6 months old.

Audrey Tan said...

Oh, no! Notice that till today have not come out with the menu planner!