Saturday 17 October 2009

Let's Begin to Eat

As I have mention in my previous post, last week Saturday wanted to start solid for Enya but keep on postponing till today. Only yesterday received the sachet from Nestle.

Why not trying other brand? I have tried only brand that's Heinz, so no confident on others before trying out their product. Only brand comes in my mind were Nestle.

Today not an auspicious day to start with, just because hubby is around during weekend, so I want him to get involve.

Rice cereal is ready to serve!

Having enjoyed the rice cereal, Enya gives her (open mouth) stamp of approval.

Here some updates commented about Heinz out of shelves from SMH posting:-
Heinz's Story is this.
They were requested to take the cereal off the shelves due to some labeling incompliance.

AVA's Story
AVA received some samples from Heinz and they found that there were some traces of Rosemary extract in the cereal which is not recommended for infant food in Singapore. It is OK for adults. Heinz took them off the shelves on their own accord. AVA thinks that Heinz is going to reformulate for the Singapore market.

So which is which, I have no idea but I will still get the Heinz rice cereal, in blue packaging, from Malaysia!

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