Wednesday 7 October 2009

Received Expired Sample

Received a box of sample cereals from Nestle on Tuesday, 06Oct2009.

Here's the sample - Rice, Brown Rice & Oats with Prunes.

So happy where I can start wean her with the Nestle rice cereal this coming Saturday but all my plan have to change as the sample pack that sent to me were expired. Feel so angry with Nestle services where the staff didn't bother to check before sending out their sample product.

Can you imagine what will happen to our baby if consume the expired sample cereal. So horrible! Even I called them up and their lines were busy till off office hours. Leave them my particulars and hopefully they care to call me back.

1 comment:

pinkmaple said...

oh~ this is so bad and irresponsible on mailing out the expired samples~ think that it will not only u got this.....
hopefully they got ur msg and replace another for u~