Friday 22 May 2009


First thing in the morning when Wayne wake up, he climb up to our bed, request to carry his sister.

When daddy pass meimei to him, his hand supported his sister's neck (Wayne's mummy teach him to do so), but I notice that he open his leg wide and let her sits on the bed instead on his lap.

Mummy "Wayne, why don't you let meimei sit on your lap?"
Wayne "Later meimei poopoo how?"

I remember now, first time when he carried his sister was sitting on a sofa. Enya poo very loud on her diaper and make Wayne feel yucks and uncomfortable with it! He don't really like the feeling when his sister poo on her diaper.

I am happy seeing Wayne carried his sister in care and I feel he does love his sister too!


Ed or Edmund Tay said...

He looks like he is going to be a great brother! :)

Audrey Tan said...

Yes, he definitely will! Daddy and mummy will always love him.