Wednesday 9 December 2009

Enya's First Xmas Party

A very special occasion for us this year as we celebrated our 1st Xmas with Enya.

Thanks to Pei, having us over to her house.
Thanks to all mommies (total 7 couples + 7 babies + 2 toddlers) to make this occasion successful.

It was fun to have our babe dress in Christmas outfit! TTK family really enjoyed!

Our food corner - we have roasted turkey, honey glazed ham, fruit cake, gingerbread man. Other than that not shown in the photo are Éclairs (Chocolate, Strawberry, Green Tea flavour), drinks (alcohol & non alcohol), sausages, snacks and nuts. Lovely set up by few mommies - Marie, Kris, Jac and Pei.

Rose collected turkey & ham from Shaw building, Orchard, and FengPing bought cutlery (disposable). Anyone or anything again that I have missed out?

Really fell bad as I can't help up at that moment. Enya fall asleep and need me to carry throughout her napping session. I tried but fail to put her down on a bumper playmat, as she keep waking up.

This round, we, all mommies and their babe, missed out the group photo session again. Only managed to captured some family photos.

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