We have celebrated our 3rd CNY together, and I am so honour that our CNY gathering hosted twice at my place - last year and this year.
We have YuSheng bought from Marriott as appetizer, Hot Pot as our main dish and home baked cheese cake for dessert.
On the spot, we can't remember meaning of the YuSheng ingredient, so we just say various 'auspicious wishes' out loud while tossing the shredded ingredients into the air.
After doing some google, here's the auspicious words to say when putting the YuSheng: -
Raw fish - 年年有余
The pomelo/lime - 大吉大利
Pepper - 招财进宝
Oil - 一本万利,财源广进
Shredded Carrots - 鸿运当头
Shredded green radish - 青春常驻
Shredded white radish - 风生水起,步步高升
Peanut - 金银满屋
Sesame seeds - 生意兴隆
Deep-fried flour crisps in the shape of golden pillows - 满地黄金
Snap! Snap! Snap! No idea how many times I have clicked. I just want to capture the best shot for them. I enjoyed capturing every moment of all the little ones, as for the most challenging is to have all the kiddos do the posting in front of my camera. Mission impossible!
Did some cropped and collage, the final result quite satisfied and here's the group photos.
新年快乐! - 'bai nian' (拜年) from our kids to their parents. We want them to learn the Lunar New Year custom whereby the younger generation pay their respect to their elderly.